MBA Admission Requirements

JWMI sets you up for success from the moment when you decide to apply. Our admissions officers are available daily to help you navigate each step of the process, starting with the admission requirements.

Online MBA applicants

Applicants to the Jack Welch Management Institute’s Master of Business Administration program are required to provide:

  • Proof of completion of a United States Baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution, or approved equivalent
  • A 3.0 undergraduate grade point average (GPA) on a 4.0 scale
  • GMAT or GRE automatically waived with 5 years of professional experience
  • A completed MBA application and enrollment agreement, as applicable
  • A valid current government-issued photo identification
  • Resume or LinkedIn profile
  • Personal essay
  • In addition to the above, special consideration may be given to applicants who do not meet minimum GPA admission requirements but show graduate potential and have a minimum of five years of professional or business experience. A personal interview with the Dean is required.

GMAT/GRE waivers

While a satisfactory grade on the GMAT or GRE is part of our admissions requirements, GMAT waivers and GRE waivers are automatically provided if a student can demonstrate a minimum of five years of professional or business experience.

A satisfactory grade is defined as a minimum acceptable cumulative score of 450 on the GMAT or a minimum acceptable cumulative score of 300 on the GRE.

In lieu of satisfactory standardized testing scores, the Jack Welch Management Institute assesses a student’s graduate potential by looking at several real-life indicators—including professional work history, undergraduate grade point average, and a commitment to being a great leader.

International online MBA applicants

All international applicants must have the equivalent of a U.S. degree. If you obtained your Bachelor’s degree outside of the U.S., JWMI will work with NACES, the National Association of Credential Evaluations Services, on your behalf to initiate a credential evaluation process that will equate your transcripts to a GPA for evaluation.

In addition, select international applicants with a conferred 3-year Bachelor’s degree from the following countries and regions may be eligible for MBA admission. Applicants are subject to review from the Registrar and must also meet all other MBA admission requirements.


  • Honours Bachelor's degree
  • Bachelor's degree (ordinary)
  • Higher National Diploma (HND)


All three-year Bachelor's degrees are sufficient to apply.


Completion of all courses and thesis or professional exams required for the titulo or degree of Licenciado or Bacharel.


Three-year bachelor's degree from Quebec and Ontario; four-year bachelor's degree from all other provinces.


Completion of all courses and thesis or professional exams required for the titulo or degree of Licenciado or Bachiller.


Completion of all courses and thesis or professional exams required for the titulo or degree of Licenciado.


A Maitrise or a diploma requiring four years of post-baccalaureate study from a university or a Grand Ecole, or a threeyear License degree.


A university Diploma, Magister Artium, Staatsexamen, three-year Bachelor's degree or five-year Master's degree. Graduates of Fachhochschulen and Berufsakademies are eligible. The Vordiplom by itself is not sufficient.


All three-year Bachelor's degrees are sufficient to apply.


Sarjana or Sarjana Legkap, awarded after five years of university study.


Diploma di laurea, requiring four to six years of study or the three-year business degree.


Completion of all courses and thesis or professional exams required for the titulo or degree of Licenciado.


  • Honours Bachelor's degree
  • Bachelor's degree (ordinary)
  • Higher National Diploma (HND)


All three-year Bachelor's degrees are sufficient to apply.



A bachelor's degree representing four years of university study. Official academic records, including a graduation certificate in Chinese, must be submitted with a complete English translation listing all courses and grades. All records must be certified by the issuing institution or appropriate government official.


  • Honours Bachelor's degree
  • Bachelor's degree (ordinary)
  • Higher National Diploma (HND)


Completion of all courses and thesis or professional exams required for the titulo or degree of Licenciado, Bachiller or Bacharel.


Completion of all courses and thesis or professional exams required for the titulo or degree of Licenciado or Diplomado.


All three-year Bachelor's degrees are sufficient to apply.



License, Diplome or Diploma following four to five years of university study.



Bachelor, Master, Getuigschrift Hoger Beroepsonderwijs or Doctoraalexamen.



  • Honours Bachelor's degree
  • Bachelor's degree (ordinary)

For a full list of eligible 3-year degrees click here.

Limited scholarship opportunities are available for international students in certain cases. Please call 1.855.596.5964 to speak with an admissions officer for more information.